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4/15/2019 1:22 PM 25908228 1488578169071-zmy00q3.mp4
5/10/2012 2:35 AM 7426793 2011_PhilipAndroid.MOV.mp4
12/21/2013 12:41 PM 3610802 2012_ASIMO_Humanoid_Robot_-_Walking_amond_people.mp4
7/31/2018 2:52 PM 3527455 34362706_1879416978764626_7830979850360848384_n.mp4
4/15/2019 11:02 PM 977765 43894251_2125280551119700_2673863724422397952_n.mp4
4/15/2019 10:44 PM 1665445 46778171_1419632281502709_6657828869401214976_n.mp4
6/2/2019 11:02 AM 1316958 59699956_396909294251199_9186655795960348672_n.mp4
6/2/2019 11:12 AM 3057052 60329371_297419117853318_7463309385440165888_n.mp4
12/21/2013 12:31 PM 14793871 8_Robots_That_Will_Haunt_Your_Soul.mp4
5/9/2012 11:07 PM 9862383 A REAL Terminator (not fake).mpg
5/9/2012 11:36 PM 8906915 A very human-like robot invented by Japanese engineers.mp4
11/18/2014 5:32 PM 7257275 ABB_Robots_Katana_Fight.mp4
12/21/2013 12:37 PM 6647331 Actroid_DER2_-_Real_Humanoid_Female_Robot.mp4
12/2/2013 4:04 PM 4863214 Amazon_Prime_Air.mp4
5/10/2012 2:09 AM 505298 Android Humanoid Talking Robot.mp4
6/19/2014 12:43 PM 24048180 Animatronics_showreel_2012.mp4
5/10/2012 2:29 AM 8643674 Artificial Intelligence Human Like Robot 2012 Future is Here.mp4
12/21/2013 12:23 PM 30699865 ASIMO_vs_PETMAN_Most_Advanced_Humanoid_Robots_JAPAN_vs_USA.mp4
2/23/2016 7:32 PM 54636823 Atlas, The Next Generation-rVlhMGQgDkY.mp4
12/17/2013 12:28 PM 14170770 Atlas_Revealed_Boston_Dynamics_DARPA_Robot.mp4
12/21/2013 12:27 PM 29263297 Atlas_Robot_Humanoid_Robot_-_PETMAN_Robots_Brother_Boston_Dynamics_with_funding_from_DARPA.mp4
12/21/2013 1:14 PM 28097017 Autonomous_robot_cars_drive_DARPA_Urban_challenge.mp4
5/10/2012 1:15 AM 21145760 Berkeley Bionics Human Exoskeleton.mp4
12/21/2013 1:28 PM 20853539 Biggest_walking_robot_in_the_world._Guiness_World_Record.mp4
8/16/2015 11:51 PM 22405083 Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Tested Outside-NwrjAa1SgjQ.mp4
12/21/2013 12:23 PM 8545534 Boston_Dynamics_RiSE_V2_and_V3.mp4
5/10/2012 2:34 AM 47180300 Chatting with Zeno the VERY Human Robot.mp4
12/17/2013 12:40 PM 6522042 Cheetah_Robot_runs_28.3_mph_a_bit_faster_than_Usain_Bolt.mp4
6/19/2014 12:45 PM 8199279 CHI2011_Hugging_robot_not_as_creepy_as_it_looks.mp4
12/21/2013 11:51 AM 35399682 Cool_New_Autonomous_Robot_-_The_Beginning_of_Skynet.mp4
12/21/2013 1:03 PM 1886784 DARPA_-_Cybernetics_Robotic_Arm_Advanced_Prosthetic_Control_720p.mp4
5/10/2012 3:02 AM 13753626 DiGORO - Robot with the Ability to Learn_ DigInfo.mp4
12/17/2013 12:45 PM 3928362 Dynamic_Robot_Manipulation.mp4
3/2/2013 2:36 PM 4171314 Dynamic_Robot_Manipulation_-_YouTube.flv
5/23/2007 11:54 PM 1634308 follower.mpeg
12/21/2013 1:01 PM 7091533 Future_DARPA_military_robot_technology_that_will_change_the_world.mp4
5/10/2012 2:46 AM 2694560 Geminoid test - see photos at http___www.miniurl.com_95654.mp4
5/10/2012 1:11 AM 7035742 Giant Japanese armored mech.mp4
12/21/2013 12:38 PM 6350704 Honda_unveils_All-New_ASIMO_Humanoid_Robot.mp4
12/21/2013 12:45 PM 162906385 How_Robots_Will_Change_the_World_-_BBC_Documentary.mp4
5/9/2012 11:34 PM 8014339 human robots __.mp4
3/10/2015 12:30 PM 49032479 Introducing_Spot.mp4
5/9/2012 11:27 PM 12262219 Invertuality_ A message from Jules.....mp4
12/21/2013 1:36 PM 10058177 Japanese_Humanoid_Robot.mp4
1/24/2015 7:40 AM 50831472 KURATA, the world's first robotic mech suit--3MxuklTfzk.mp4
5/23/2007 11:59 PM 3102724 lightfollower.mpeg
2/22/2017 9:46 PM 3146151 more boston dynamics robots.mp4
5/10/2012 2:37 AM 5917437 Most disturbing robot ever (Japanese child robot).mp4
5/9/2012 11:30 PM 10391353 Most Human Like Robot Ever.mp4
12/21/2013 1:38 PM 1374278 Most_Sexsualy_Walking_Female_Humanoid_Robot_Toy_Humanoid_Robot.mp4
12/21/2013 1:29 PM 9043847 New_World_Records_in_the_Guinness_Book_-_no_comment.mp4
4/7/2013 5:23 PM 5008849 Petman_Tests_Camo.flv
12/21/2013 11:47 AM 15276530 Petman_Tests_Camo.mp4
5/23/2007 11:55 PM 3891006 Ping_2_cansB2veg.wmv
5/10/2012 3:24 AM 4037835 Real Transformer Made in China.mp4
12/17/2013 12:56 PM 9924875 RHex_Rough-Terrain_Robot.mp4
11/2/2013 3:44 PM 18606394 robot BigDog Overview (Updated March 2010).mp4
12/21/2013 12:17 PM 33303321 Robot_-_a_big_dog_LS3.mp4
6/2/2009 5:27 PM 1785092 robotdanceing.wmv
12/18/2014 12:18 PM 13651843 robotic arms.mp4
11/2/2013 6:25 PM 6835139 running robot.mp4
12/17/2013 12:48 PM 4345103 Sand_Flea_Jumping_Robot.mp4
12/21/2013 12:59 PM 26478518 Snake_Robot_-_on_land_water.mp4
12/21/2013 1:08 PM 34741445 Terminator_arm_is_world_s_most_advanced_prosthetic_limb.mp4
5/2/2005 4:30 AM 3192541 tetra_vaal-robot.wmv
5/9/2012 11:11 PM 168529093 That_s Impossible_ Real Terminators.mp4
5/10/2012 2:01 AM 9354724 Titan the Robot punches drunk guy. Butlins Bognor 2010..mp4
4/12/2005 8:20 PM 11374110 totalimmersion.wmv
5/13/2014 5:26 PM 6152553 Ultra-fast, the robotic arm catches objects on the fly.mp4
5/10/2012 2:45 AM 5507988 Ultra-Realistic Geminoid Robot.mp4
12/21/2013 12:21 PM 35940088 World_Top_3_Robots_Asimo_vs_NAO_vs_HPR-4.mp4